How to Debug ECMAScript Code Effectively

If you are a JavaScript developer, you know the importance of debugging your code. Debugging is the process of finding and fixing errors in your code. It can be a challenging and time-consuming task.

Here, we are going to explore some of the effective ways to debug ECMAScript code so you can quickly identify the problem and fix it. We'll cover the most common debugging techniques and tools available to JS developers.

1. Logging

Logging is the most primary and straightforward way to debug your code. Logging means adding console.log statements throughout your codebase to track its flow.

When you suspect a bug in your code, you can add console statements to check the values of variables and their types to track the code's flow. That way, you can quickly identify where things went wrong.

Logging is an often-used technique and can be used in various places, including loops, functions, try-catch blocks, and more. The idea is to print out some statements that help identify where the problem came from in the code.

function multiply(a, b) {
  console.log("A: ", a);
  console.log("B: ", b);
  return a * b;

You can also use breakpoints in your code. A breakpoint is a point in your code where it stops executing, and you can inspect the values of variables, the call stack, and the code's state at that point.

2. Chrome DevTools

Chrome DevTools is an advanced and popular tool for debugging JavaScript. As the name suggests, it is a set of development tools built into the Google Chrome browser.

It allows you to inspect the DOM, debug JavaScript code, and profile performance. You can open Chrome DevTools by pressing F12 and navigate to the "Console" tab.

console.log("Hello, World!");

You can type any code you want to test in the console, and it will immediately execute in the context of the current page. The console also has a lot of other features, such as autocomplete and error messages.

You can also use the debugger statement to set a breakpoint in your code. When the code is executed, it will stop at that point, and you can inspect the code's state.

function multiply(a, b) {
  return a * b;

You can explore more about Chrome DevTools, and it provides various other features for debugging JavaScript codes.

3. Node.js Debugger

Node.js is one of the most popular JavaScript environments that run JavaScript code outside the browser. It is a powerful platform that has its built-in debugger.

You can debug your JavaScript code using Node.js by typing node inspect on the terminal. By adding the --debug-brk option, it pauses the code execution at the first line.

node --inspect-brk file.js

It opens the debugging window in Chrome DevTools, and you can inspect the code, set breakpoints and step through the code's execution.

function multiply(a, b) {
  return a * b;

Once the debugger is open, you can use a series of commands to navigate through the code's execution, such as:

Node.js also provides various other features for debugging, such as profiling and Memory leaks detection.

4. Debugging Extensions

Debugging Extensions are browser extensions that help debug your JavaScript code. They are added to your browser and provide additional features and tools to debug your code.

Some popular debugging extensions are:

5. Debugging Frameworks

Debugging frameworks pinpoint where errors occur in your code. With debugging frameworks, when an error occurs in your code, it is captured and logged to a console.

Some popular debugging frameworks are:


Debugging is an essential part of the software development process. As a JavaScript developer, you have various tools and techniques available to debug ECMAScript code effectively.

Logging and debugging through Chrome DevTools is a good starting point, but you should explore other tools and frameworks available in the market.

By learning and mastering the art of debugging JavaScript code, you can save time and reduce the frustration of finding and fixing bugs.

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