The Differences Between ECMAScript and JavaScript

Are you confused about the terms ECMAScript and JavaScript? Do you wonder if they are the same thing or if they have any differences? Well, you are not alone. Many people use these terms interchangeably, but they are not exactly the same thing. In this article, we will explore the differences between ECMAScript and JavaScript and why they matter.

What is ECMAScript?

ECMAScript is a scripting language specification that defines the syntax, semantics, and standard library of a programming language. It was created by the European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) to standardize the scripting language used in web browsers. The first version of ECMAScript was released in 1997, and it has been updated several times since then.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a programming language that is based on ECMAScript. It was created by Brendan Eich in 1995 while he was working at Netscape Communications Corporation. JavaScript was originally called Mocha, then changed to LiveScript, and finally to JavaScript. It is a high-level, dynamic, and interpreted language that is used to create interactive web pages and web applications.

The Relationship Between ECMAScript and JavaScript

JavaScript is a dialect of ECMAScript. This means that JavaScript is a specific implementation of the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript implements the ECMAScript standard and adds its own features and capabilities. In other words, JavaScript is a superset of ECMAScript.

The Differences Between ECMAScript and JavaScript

Now that we have established the relationship between ECMAScript and JavaScript, let's explore the differences between the two.

ECMAScript is a Standard, JavaScript is an Implementation

ECMAScript is a standard that defines the syntax, semantics, and standard library of a programming language. It is a set of rules that programming languages must follow to be considered ECMAScript compliant. JavaScript, on the other hand, is an implementation of the ECMAScript standard. It is a specific programming language that follows the rules set forth by the ECMAScript specification.

ECMAScript is Versioned, JavaScript is Not

ECMAScript is versioned, which means that new versions of the specification are released periodically. Each new version of ECMAScript adds new features and capabilities to the language. JavaScript, on the other hand, is not versioned. JavaScript implementations may support different versions of ECMAScript, but there is no official version of JavaScript.

ECMAScript is Used Beyond the Web, JavaScript is Mostly Used on the Web

ECMAScript is used beyond the web. It is used in server-side programming, desktop applications, and even in embedded systems. JavaScript, on the other hand, is mostly used on the web. It is used to create interactive web pages and web applications.

ECMAScript is a Language Specification, JavaScript is a Programming Language

ECMAScript is a language specification that defines the syntax, semantics, and standard library of a programming language. JavaScript, on the other hand, is a programming language that is based on the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript implements the ECMAScript standard and adds its own features and capabilities.

ECMAScript is More Formal, JavaScript is More Informal

ECMAScript is a formal specification that is written in a technical language. It is meant to be read by developers and implementers of the language. JavaScript, on the other hand, is more informal. It is meant to be read and written by developers who may not have a technical background.

Why Do the Differences Between ECMAScript and JavaScript Matter?

You may be wondering why the differences between ECMAScript and JavaScript matter. After all, they are both used to create web applications, right? Well, the differences between the two matter for several reasons.


Different versions of JavaScript may support different versions of ECMAScript. This means that if you are using a feature that is only available in a newer version of ECMAScript, your code may not work on older versions of JavaScript. By understanding the differences between ECMAScript and JavaScript, you can ensure that your code is compatible with the versions of JavaScript that you are targeting.


Different JavaScript engines may implement ECMAScript differently. This means that the performance of your code may vary depending on the JavaScript engine that you are using. By understanding the differences between ECMAScript and JavaScript, you can write code that is optimized for the JavaScript engine that you are using.


By understanding the differences between ECMAScript and JavaScript, you can learn more about the language that you are using. You can learn about the features and capabilities of ECMAScript and how they are implemented in JavaScript. This can help you become a better developer and write better code.


In conclusion, ECMAScript and JavaScript are not exactly the same thing. ECMAScript is a standard that defines the syntax, semantics, and standard library of a programming language. JavaScript is a programming language that is based on the ECMAScript specification. By understanding the differences between the two, you can ensure that your code is compatible, optimized, and well-written. So, the next time someone asks you if ECMAScript and JavaScript are the same thing, you can confidently say no!

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